Bible Study Matthew

Matthew: Four Other Ways to Study Matthew

Each section below has 8 possible studies. You may be planning to have more meetings than this. Or you may be planning to have fewer meetings than this. If so, choose what is best for your group. The 4 ways are ideas for you to consider.

1. A general study of the whole book

God became human for us (1:18–25).

The test (4:1–11).

Right attitudes (5:1–6).

Worry and how to avoid it (6:25–34).

The Messiah gave a big meal. He walked on water too (14:13–36).

We are waiting for Jesus to return (24:1–14).

The death of Jesus (27:27–56).

We must believe the evidence (27:57–28:15).

2. Studies of the Sermon (talk) on the mountain

Right attitudes (5:1–6).

Be careful! There will be people who will oppose us (5:10–12).

Salt and light (5:13–16).

Adultery (sex with someone who is married to someone else) and divorce (5:27–32) See notes below.

Real prayer (6:5–15)

Fasting and Giving (6: 16- 24)

Worry and how to avoid it (6:25–34).

Be careful how you tell people about their bad habits (7:1–12).

Be careful! A building may look good. But it may not be safe (7:24–29).

When you say a strong promise (an oath). When you do more than you need to do (5:33–42).

3. A selection of parables

We should listen to Jesus (the story about the farmer) (13:1–11).

Good people and bad people can live next to each other (the weeds) (13:24–30, 36–43).

To care and to forgive (the wicked servant) (18:15–35).

God is king. He gives *grace (the workers in the field) (20:1–19).

A message for all nations (the wedding big meal) (22:1–14).

Jesus will come again. So be ready! (The 10 girls) (24:36–25:13).

Jesus wants us to serve him loyally (the gifts) (25:14–30).

Serve God in ordinary activities (the sheep and the goats) (25:31–46).

4. Jesus suffers and dies

The last 8 studies are about chapters 26 to 28. These would be an excellent series at Easter time.

All these outlines are only ideas. You do not need to follow them exactly. Perhaps you will choose not to follow them at all. Use your own ideas. There is something important for the leader to do. You should read the whole book of Matthew carefully. Then you can ask your group to refer to sections that they have not read. There is something else. You might decide to study only part of a chapter. But the group should still read the whole chapter together. This would help everyone to understand the verses that you, as leader, have chosen.

3 replies on “Matthew: Four Other Ways to Study Matthew”

Thanks for this.
I’ve recently been preaching through the Sermon in the Mount so I’ve poured a bit of time into it. Is there a particular reason that in your second heading, dealing specifically with the SotM, you miss out the giving and fasting parts from chapter 6?

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