Bible Study Freedom

Freedom: Never Stop Trying

Knowing God and Him knowing us gives us the freedom to fight that temptation.

The last post in Galatians, was about no longer being slaves. Paul continues today asking why we turn back to be slaves of sin. So many times, I myself have fallen into that pit. Not because God didn’t know me but because I let my sinful fleshy self win. Knowing God and Him knowing us gives us the freedom to fight that temptation. Having a relationship with God is what being a Christian is all about. To know God personally and intimately, is the way we grow and change. This is why we can never stop trying to fight sin, trying t o know God, trying to be an example and trying to do God’s will

Galatians 4:8-9,

8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces[a? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?

Before the Galatians were saved and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they gave in to their sinful nature or “weak and miserable forces” as Paul described them. Like many unbelievers at this time, they worshiped false gods, lived immorally, and allowed their lives to be ruled by their sinful nature. They wanted to live their lives and do anything they desired. Paul calls this slavery because because sin ensnares you and pulls you down. We do not have to be slaves to our old selves. So for the Galatians to be going back to our old selves or giving into our sinful desires is slavery.

So Paul reminds them: not only do they know God, but more importantly, God knows them and has already imparted all the righteousness of Jesus Christ on them because of their belief. So why do we keep giving into our sin and desires. The Galatians already have what they need to fight them. God knows them, and they already have His love, acceptance, and approval. No need to go back into slavery.

What does this mean for us today? This means we don’t have to give into ourselves God is there with us to help us fight temptation. We don’t need to try to face it alone. God’s love and power is more that enough to help us stay out of slavery for good.

So if you are being tempted or have fallen into temptation, remember it is never to late to repent and turn around. God will help you and hold you while you find your way back. Sin is never the answer and will only consume you from the inside out.